Thousands of entertaining content at the tip of your fingers
After you paid for your subscription, we will manually verify the payment. When that has been done, you will receive the necessary information.
In order to use our 4K IPTV services and watch TV online, you will need an IPTV application. Applications are available for a wide variety of devices.
We recommend the following IPTV apps for use on a device:
Different devices use different software. If you are in possession of a Smart TV with Android, all the apps above are available. On most TV's the IPTV Smarters app is available, even if it's not Android. If you are not sure which app your device supports, send us a message and we'll try to assist.
Look out for fake IPTV apps. Some apps will steal your IPTV subscription login codes and sell them online. Best is to stay with the above mentioned options.
You can use your subscription on multiple devices. However, you can only use 1 device at the same time. If you are watching TV on one device, you will not be able to watch TV on another device.